Stress Fractures

Our bodies are conditioned to only take so much force at one time. Too much force over too much time, and structures start to break down faster than they can be repaired.

A stress fracture is one of the many ways that overload can manifest, and feeling the symptoms is a clear sign that you need to take action for treatment!

If you are experiencing foot or ankle symptoms including:

  • Pain or aching that tends to become worse with activity but improves with rest
  • Tenderness when pressing against the bone
  • Increased pain when shifting more weight to the affected area

…then a stress fracture or other sports injury is likely. Schedule an appointment with us to get to the source of the problem and address it in a way that will get you back to pain-free action as soon as possible.

What is a Stress Fracture?

A stress fracture is a break in a bone. But instead of the break going through the bone as one often imagines with a standard fracture, the break in a stress fracture occurs along the surface of the bone – kind of like a crack in your windshield.

Stress fractures typically occur due to overuse. This often involves repetitive impacts to the feet, for example from long-distance running or otherwise spending extended periods of time on your feet without rest.

stress fractures

As forces impact the bones, they start to break down on a cellular level. This is a normal occurrence, and the bones will normally recover and build back stronger as you rest. But if you overstress your bones and do not provide them enough rest, however, the rate of breakdown can overcome the rate of rebuilding. Eventually, the bones will weaken the point of developing a stress fracture.

In addition to overuse, additional factors can also contribute to the risk of a stress fracture. An abnormality in foot structure, for example, can cause an excess of weight to focus in a specific area, overstressing the bones present there.

stress fractures

Treating a Stress Fracture

It is important that a stress fracture (and any other sports injury of the foot or ankle, for that matter) be diagnosed and addressed promptly. The longer it takes for the proper treatment to be provided, the more opportunity there can be for the problem to become worse. 

Once we have taken the time to thoroughly examine your situation and discuss the ins and outs of your symptoms, we can recommend a treatment plan focused on recovery and future prevention. Parts of a plan might include:

  • Changes in footwear or routines
  • The use of custom orthotics to offload excess weight and force from a vulnerable area
  • The use of a walking boot or post-operative shoe to offload weight, protect the foot, and aid in healing
  • MLS laser therapy to accelerate healing and help relieve pain
  • A recommended set of stretches or exercises to strengthen and condition the affected area, which helps your body resist further overuse injuries.

We personalize every treatment plan to best fit the needs and lifestyles of our patients. We won’t just put you on a cookie-cutter course of action!

Don’t Stress. Get the Help You Need!

Whether you are experiencing consistent foot and ankle pain from a stress fracture or another form of sports injury, never let it continue any longer than it has to. Schedule an appointment with Michigan Foot & Ankle Specialists by calling (313) 582-6222 or by filling out our online contact form.



7243 Chase Rd.

Dearborn, MI 48126


(313) 582-6222


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm


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